Fitness motivation story…

The other night, I watched the most inspiring movie of the year.

It’s called Unbroken. And if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it.

What a powerful story?!

It’s all about incredible life journey of Louis “Louie” Zamperini.


As a boy, he’s a trouble maker and channels all his energy into running and qualifies fro the 1936 Olympics! Shortly after when WWII breaks out, he enlists in the military… and when his plane crashes in the Pacific, he survives an amazing 47 days adrift in a raft… only to be captured by the Japanese navy, sent to a POW camp for more than two and a half years, and becomes the target of a cruel prison commander to…


In the end, he overcomes severe post-traumatic stress disorder to live a life filled with forgiveness, service and peace.

Unbelievable, right!

Now you’re probably wondering…

What does a film about an Olympian, World War II, a bombardier and a prisoner of war got to do with losing weight and transforming your body?

A lot, in fact.

It’s uncanny how many lessons from Unbroken you can apply to your health and life.

For example…

Lesson #1: The Power of Mental Imagery

While the soldiers were stranded on a raft for 47 days and surviving the POW camp, they would talk about food they were going to eat when they got home.

In fact, they would even talk about the process of cooking in the greatest details… like hearing the eggs cracking on the bowls and the whisk stirring the eggs and flour…

Powerful mental imagery, right?

You could almost taste it in your mouth.

And you can use this in your weight loss journey, too.

Here’s how:

Imagine how your new body will look and feel, see yourself in new clothes, hear the compliments from your friends and family.

It takes regular practice to create this new image of yourself. But mental imagery and visualization is extremely powerful!

Lesson #2: Strength of Human Will Can Overcome Anything

This movie reinforced what Victor Frankl wrote about in Man’s Search for Meaning… You can take a man’s health, put him in unimaginable conditions, beat him and starve him, but you can never break his will.

Will is a choice.

It’s strengthened by having a strong “why”.

That’s how it is in health and fitness as well…

If you want to lose weight and change your life, you need to know “why” you’re doing it… and go 100% ALL IN with your heart and mind. The journey must become part of who you are:

- You workout with purpose

- You’re NOT “on a diet”

- You’re focused and determined to succeed


Lesson #3: Nothing is Impossible

This is the greatest lesson of all…

This movie shows the true limits we can be pushed. And compared to what Zamperini went through, you can seriously do anything! Our challenges and obstacles are not so steep…our toughest days are not so tough…

YOU are capable of so much more than you think you are! However…

There’s a certain “mindset” at play.

Where the people who transform their body and lose weight (and ultimately keep it off) know that anything is possible.

That’s why exercise and strength training has been such a blessing to me, and many of my clients in the Metabolic Fitness Challenge Program.

One of the unadvertised bonuses that you get is to hang out with other positive, like-minded people who want to become the best possible version of themselves.

We trouble shoot solutions, and stay accountable.

Help each other out… And…

We never give up.

never give up

You CAN do it. I believe in you.

You WILL do it. I know it.

No more fear. No more self-doubt. No more disbelief.

Only true belief is allowed from here on in.

Stay Strong.

Keep on pushing


Kate Vidulich