You’ve probably read about all the different ways to ignite your sluggish metabolism.

But what is actually legit?

I went to work on researching all the hyped up cures for a slow metabolism to determine what actually works.

Fitness woman in training muscles of the back with dumbbells

Here’s the low down, with a ranking out of 10. And even better, it’s in order from from “wouldn’t burn off a celery stick” to “calorie burning inferno”…

Danke sehr KV!

#8: Extreme Dieting (-1/10)

Cutting too many calories for weight loss does nothing for your metabolism. Nada. In fact, it only take 3-4 days of extreme low calorie dieting to slow your metabolism, as your body holds on to every last bite. Even worse, the effects can last weeks, months – no one knows for sure.

#7: Fat Burning Supplements (0/10)

Most supplements that claim miracle metabolism boosting are not FDA tested or approved… and some don’t even contain the ingredients they claim! Scary. Even the pills that claim to have good stuff inside (like green tea), contain so little it’s hardly enough to make a noticeable difference.

#6: Spicy Food (1/10)

You’ve probably read capsaicin (compound that makes chilli peppers hot) can crank up your metabolism. Technically – it’s true. But I’ve discovered new research that shows the payoff is so tiny, researchers consider it negligible. Don’t quit the spicy food just yet – there are other health benefits to enjoy!

#5: Green Tea (3/10)

Catechins, the healthy compound found in green tea has been found to fire up fat burning. Down 2-3 cups a day with meals and you can easily incinerate more calories. Since it’s a diuretic, make sure you drink plenty of water, too.

#4: Room Temperature (5/10)

Set the temperature above shivering but below comfortable (approx 60F) to bump up your metabolism. Why? Cooler temperatures activate calorie burning “brown fat” – a good fat that burn calories to regulate body temp. Easy!

#3: Caffeine (7/10)

This stimulant can boost your metabolism for up to 3 hours after consuming it. And a new study shows 16 oz pre workout can help you burn 15% more calories in your session. Warning: you body can acclimate to the caffeine intake, so over time you can blunt your buzz.

#2: High Protein Diet (8/10)

Believe it or not, your body burns calories for digestion. That’s why if your diet is heavy in protein, a macronutrient that uses 20-30% of the food calories to digest compared to 5-15% for carbs… you’ll get a quick metabolism boost.

#1: Strength Training (10/10)

Sculpting muscle in all the right places not only looks amazing – it helps you burn more calories at rest. That’s because muscle is metabolically active, meaning it’s always switched “on”. For every pound of muscle you add, you’ll burn an additional 14 calories a day. For 5 pounds of muscle, that 70 extra calories burned – doing nothing at all!

To boost your metabolism and burn up to 1000 Calories in your workout, check this out:

Let’s rock this week!

Your Coach,

Kate “legit metabolism boosters” Vidulich