If you pick up any fat loss workout guide that promises to deliver six pack abs, you would probably find completely different approaches to ab training.

Some old school workouts will have you do upwards of a billion crunches everyday, where others have you planking around until you turn blue in the face.

What’s the toughest, million dollar ab exercise that you should be doing?

The ab wheel rollout

Now, it only rocks if you do it right. Watch the quick video above as I demonstrate the correct form for using the ab wheel.

The ab wheel is the best “infomercial looking” gadget you can find. It’s cheap and small, but potentially dangerous if you’re a first timer.

It’s really important you get the technique right to maximize the benefit of this exercise. Often times I hear stories of injured backs, busted shoulders and “not feeling anything in their abs” at all.

Well, that’s because you were doing it wrong.

Warning: If you have any back problems, I strongly advise you NOT to do this exercise. Check with your doc, but I say this move is a no-go.

How to Dominate the Ab Wheel

So you’ve been thinking trying the ab wheel, but your abs are a weak point or you just haven’t progressed that far yet. As you can imagine, it’s not an exercise you do on a first date with a new client.

How can you prepare to dominate the ab wheel?

When introducing new clients to this exercise, I follow a progression checklist to ensure the foundation is built and you’ll be able to use the ab wheel correctly.

Seeing as the rollout is an advanced version of the plank, can you guess where we start?

Level One

Boom, it’s the plank. 10 points for you!

But not just any old plank. It’s really important to focus on squeezing your butt, quads, and tucking your pelvis to engage your whole mid section. Avoid hiking or dropping your hips.

Instead of just holding this for 2 minutes and dying of boredom, try this simple variation:

- take your right or left arm off the floor. Avoid twisting your hips. Repeat 8-10 times.

- walk your hands past your head as far as you can, hold it for 3 seconds, then walk your hands back to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times

As you can see, it’s more challenging!

Level Two

This leads into the next move, inchworms. You can see this move in action here:

Now you’ve got that one under your belt, you’re ready to progress to the rollouts.

Level Three

A good exercise to start with so you can work on your form is the Stability Ball Rollout. You stress your core by moving the ball away from your body. The thing is, you can control how easy or difficult you make the exercise, depending on the distance you roll the ball out.

Next, you can try the TRX Fallout, which is a little more advanced. Again, you can control the difficulty, depending how far you extend your arms.

Level Four

The Ab Wheel Rollout is where the magic happens.

Ab wheel rollouts are just where the fun begins. Make sure you pause for 1-2 seconds when your arms are extended over your head, and squeeze your abs hard to return to starting posiition. Combine this move with my other favorite ab tricks and you have a recipe for a strong, sexy stomach.

One thing, NEVER arch your lower back when doing this exercise. Don’t even think about it..

Now it’s your turn. What is the toughest ab exercise you’ve ever done? Let me know in the comments box below.

Have an awesome day,


PS. If you’re up for the challenge, you can find this tough ab exercise and more here in  the Ab Accelerators system