“The next exercise is way more fun than the treadmill”
– Quote of the day from yours truly at the gym yesterday.

My client laughed hysterically… Because honestly, I’m am so funny. ;)

And you have to agree, anything is more fun than the treadmill.

But what about Burpees? Do you think that’s more fun than the treadmill?

Of course you do.


You know this old school exercise rocks for fat loss. Even though it’s a tough one, you save a ton of time and train your entire body in like, 3 seconds.

However, danger lurks.

Here are the top 4 mistakes I see people make when doing Burpees. Let’s rock this:

1. Not Regressing the Exercise

Burpees are for everyone, but you have to modify the exercise to suit your fitness level. Here is one simple quick fix: check your ego.

Like I said, one rep should take around 3 seconds to complete (yes, it can feel more like 3 hours). If it’s taking you way longer in a conditioning circuit, you’re not moving fast enough to create the right metabolic effect.

While it might be hard, if you can’t move at a fast pace with a full range of motion, you’re actually lowering the intensity.

The best way to modify? Take out the push up, and the jumps. You can still burn a ton of calories and keep your heart rate through the roof.

If you’re brand new to Burpees, you can make it even easier by elevating your hands. Put them on a box or step. You’ll protect your shoulders AND still get an awesome workout.

When you get fatigued and your form gets sloppy, take a time out or modify.

You’ll get way more out of it, and stay safe.

2. Warming up with Burpees

This is controversial, but the Burpee is definitely NOT a warm up exercise.

I’ve seen guys at the gym bragging about how they just did 50 Burpees as a warm up. Oh wow, good for you hardcore (insert Aussie swear words) moron…

But tell me dude, how was the rest of your workout?

If you empty the tank by doing a billion Burpees in the first 5-10 minutes, how on earth can you train at a high intensity for the next 10-20 minutes?

It’s just silly.

I know you’re dying to get them over and done with, but if you have a strength session lined up, save the Burpees for the end.

Train smart and structure your workout correctly. Start with a simple dynamic warm up, to increase your mobility and get your body prepared for the onslaught. ;)

3. You Think You’re Too Old for Burpees

Ha. I’ve heard this excuse one too many times…. If you’re able bodied and breathing, there is no reason you can’t do a variation of a Burpee.

It comes done to how hard you’re willing to work to reach your goals. You don’t have to kill yourself.

I have a 65 years old client who is rocking out and destroying Burpees on a regular basis. In fact, one day she even asked me very politely if we could do another set of Burpees.

No joke.

Isn’t that awesome? Absolutely. High fives all round.

Don’t tell me you’re too old. That’s rubbish. As long as your form is good, there is nothing to be afraid of.

4. ONLY doing Burpees

Just like any exercise, if you do too much of one thing, you will get hurt. And bored pretty quickly. It’s only a matter of time before an overuse injury strikes you down.

That’s why you need to strategically program Burpees, just like you would any other conditioning exercise. Using fun, “never-seen-before” variations is another awesome way to beat off boredom.

I love to combine Burpees with everything – breakfast, lunch – you name it. Even vodka. Obviously, Burpees are the best addition to ANY workout to accelerate your fat loss without overuse injuries and boredom.

Burn up to 1,000 Calories a day using these workouts

You’ll find a step-by-step plan to help you get started on each workout. If you’re going to have a crack at burning more calories with Burpees, you may as well do it right. So drink your coffee and get pumped up!

After putting these workouts to use for just under a week, you’ll notice the difference on your waistline.

Rock on!

Your Coach,