You have the Accelerators manual and you’re ready to rock. If you’re looking for quick tips on how to structure your program, check out this post here.

But, what’s the BEST place to start, to get the fastest results?

Well, it’s hard to say precisely, because everyone is different and it depends where you’re at with your training right now. I’ll assume you already workout, you enjoy your current strength program, but you’ve hit a plateau.

Let me give you three case studies, and you can decide from there which category you fit into. If you still need more personalized info, email me and I’d be more than happy to help you out.

Note: I’ll also assume you have no injuries and you can perform all of the movements in each complex through a full range. It’s very important you are proficient in each exercise, otherwise you won’t be able to elicit the desired metabolic effect. Some of the moves are very challenging, so practice and train your weaknesses. You also need to work on your flow and exercise transitions.

Until then, you’re better off substituting with a regression and boosting your intensity. Using correct form is essential for getting best results – not to mention staying injury free!

Let’s get into the examples:

Example A: The Cardio Queens/Kings

Current Workout: No strength training or inconsistent with it, primarily doing cardio/interval/spinning workouts)

If you’re currently doing 3-6 cardio workouts a week and no strength training, start with the Bodyweight Accelerators. Add the Accelerators on two days/week, to replace cardio workouts.

I would also advise you to start a structured strength training program, like Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training.

You need to be able to move your own bodyweight before you add weights. Trust me, bodyweight only will be tough enough and provide enough resistance to get fast results.

The most effective Bodyweight Accelerators to start with, and my personal favorites include:
- Accelerator 2 (from the main manual)
- Insane Bodyweight Accelerator 10: The Ultimate Back Up Plan

Example B: Anti Cardio

Current Workout: Strength training only, no cardio or intervals

If you’re doing 3-4 strength sessions a week, but absolutely hate cardio and don’t fancy intervals either, start by using the Accelerators two days/week for your off-day conditioning workouts (that’s the days in between your strength workouts).

The most effective Accelerators for getting fast results are the complexes with 4-6 exercises. In this case, my favorites include:

- Accelerator 14 (barbell)
- Accelerator 26 (starts with one of my favorite hybrid moves)

If any of the exercises are too challenging and you’re unstable, switch to Accelerator with moves you can do with correct form, and bring the intensity.

Remember, it’s not all about choosing THE toughest Accelerator to get fast results. Intensity counts. If it’s so tough so you can’t it right, you’re wasting time. Get strong and work up to it.

You can increase the intensity by either reducing your rest breaks or increasing the weight, as you improve. I can’t stress enough you need to choose Accelerators with exercises you are competent with.

Example C: Last Few Annoying Pounds

Current Workout: Strength training, with intervals or cardio on off-days

You’re training 4-6 days a week, doing a mix of strength and intervals/cardio. Sure, you are definitely on the right track. Initially you saw results, but now you’re stuck on a plateau and bored out of your brains from doing the same old intervals.

To get the fastest results, add Accelerators on two days/week to the beginning of your strength workout, after you do the dynamic warm up and core training. This “metabolic appetizer” eliminates the need for intervals or cardio at the end of your workout.

Start by using the Accelerators with 4-5 exercises per complex. Choose a weight you can lift for 10 reps of the weakest exercise in the complex (usually pressing overhead). This will boost the intensity of the entire workout.

Now here are the most effective Accelerators for getting fast results and my favorites.

Try the barbell complexes in Category 3: Barbell Blast. Add these to the beginning of your workout:

- Accelerator 10
- Accelerator 11

After the first month of training with Accelerators, you can try adding a tougher one for off-day conditioning:

- Accelerator 16
- Accelerator 20

Warning: Yes, these are super tough. Feel free to use another of your favorite Accelerators with 5-6 exercises and do 5-6 rounds.

If you prefer to rock the dumbbells, I have awesome options for you too:

- Accelerator 3
- Accelerator 27

Like I said, you also have the option to use these Accelerators to replace your off-day cardio, but I found personally, when I reached a plateau on my own journey, eliminating slow cardio and adding these hybrid metabolic complexes to the beginning of my workouts (2x/week) was highly effective.

After one month, I added an extra Accelerator (with 6 exercises) for off-day conditioning, and did 5-6 rounds.

“By adding Accelerators to the start of your session take away from your strength training performance?”

No. If you take sufficient rest as indicated, and lift the right weight, it should not interfere seeing as you’re training a different energy system.

Remember, Accelerators are conditioning, heavy lifting is strength. In fact, because the Accelerators use traditional resistance training exercises, this will transfer to and improve your lifting. Now you sure don’t get that with cardio or traditional intervals!

If you still have no idea where to start…

Start at the very beginning and work your way through the entire manual.

For Weeks 1-2, do the first two Accelerators from Category One. Use these same Accelerators for at least 2 weeks. For Week 3-4, do the next two Accelerators from Category One and do these for 2 weeks.

From this point, feel free to try other Accelerators in other categories. The most important thing is to stick with the same Accelerators for at least 2-4 weeks, depending on difficulty (ie. if it’s more challenging, use it for 4 weeks).

Add these Accelerators to your program on days you would normally do cardio or interval training. It shouldn’t take any longer than 20 minutes.

For best results, do a maximum of 3 Accelerator sessions a week. It’s really important you get enough recovery between the workouts.

With practice, patience and perseverance, you can make anything happen.

Have an awesome day. Let’s go and rock it!