Let me tell you a story…

Yesterday I watched one of the WORST ab workouts ever.

This muppet trainer called it a “hardcore abs” workout… but now, I think it should be renamed the “hardcore back breaker”.

And I’ll bet you his poor client wakes up with a sore back today. :(


Here’s the full scoop…

First, Mr muppet made his client do a “lower ab” exercise (incline leg raises) to total fatigue…then…

…immediately switch to an “upper ab” exercise (regular crunches), again to fatigue… and…

…basically go back and forth for 5 whole minutes with NO rest.


It wasn’t pretty.

Beside the fact these ab exercises are proven back breakers and not on the “KV approved” list…

…the biggest myth in the ENTIRE fitness world reared it’s ugly head.

The simple truth is…

There is no such thing as upper or lower abs.

In fact, you couldn’t work just your lower abs, even if you tried!

You see, it’s just ONE muscle: Rectus Abdominis.

Take a quick look at this pic below… See how it’s one muscle attached at your rib cage and pelvis?


(It’s one sexy unit folks…)

So why does this myth never go away?

Since the main job of the Rectus Abdominis is to flex the spine, it contracts differently depending on the exercise you do.

Here’s an example…

If you do a classic crunch without moving your lower body, the upper section of your Rectus Abdominis will contract with stronger force.

On the other hand, if you do a reverse crunch and keep your upper body steady, the lower section of your Rectus Abdominis may contract harder.

In any case, here’s the point…

You’re using your entire Rectus Abdominis for EVERY ab exercise – just to varying degrees.

So don’t be going around bragging about working only your lower abs… like this muppet trainer.

Instead, here’s a brand NEW killer abs circuit that will help you get a sexy stomach

Blog ==> 60 seconds killer core combo with KV

Have “fun” with that. You’re welcome.

Your Coach,


Kate Vidulich