Here’s the best warm up exercises you can do at home today! It will take 5 minutes, and it’s bodyweight only.


In this video, you’ll discover the best warm up exercise to help you warm and get fast fat loss results. Forget the treadmill. You can do a more effective warm up right now.

Let’s rock and rolla!

Best Warm Up Exercises

A) Squat to T Squeeze x 30s (or 15-20 reps)
B) Hip Flexor Stretch x 15s hold
C) Single leg glute bridge x 10 each leg
D) Bird/Dog x 5 each side with 10s hold
E) I-T-Y complex x 8 each
F) Jumping Jacks x 20

Let me know if there were any other exercises you would like me to demonstrate in the comments box below the post.

Rock the NEW school warm up,


PS. If you want more done-for-you warm ups and fat burning workouts that use ZERO equipment, check this out:

==> 30 Day Bodyweight Cardio Workout Plan