I’ve been getting a couple of questions from you lovely people about this one move: the high pull.

“What is the correct form for the high pull?”

Good question. It’s not simply another version of the upright row. The high pull is a total body exercise – if done correctly. You need to generate the power in your hips, and initiate the movement from your lower body.

In this video, my superstar friend Shawna Kaminski will demonstrate the correct form for the high pull, both with a barbell and dumbbells.

Here’s why you should do it:

- It’s total body move, so you use more muscle groups and burn extra calories in less time. Brace your abdominals – you will feel it!

- This exercise is the foundation for any weightlifting movement where you transfer the barbell/dumbbell from floor to shoulder height

If you’re still learning this exercise or you have shoulder issues, you can substitute the high pull with the bent-over row. You can do this with either a barbell or dumbbells.

Have an awesome day,