Last month, I was hanging out in Florida with my best buddy Shawna K…

You know, Shawna K looks so sweet and innocent, right?

Well… Don’t be fooled. She is the evil mastermind behind today’s DB leg complex so curse her – not me – this time… ok?

You see, lots of people are STILL using cardio to try to get sexy results. Whether you’re doing low intensity cardio like running on a dreadmill or even doing high intensity intervals (HIIT), you may be getting to a point where you are not getting results.

Instead, you need to try complexes. I’m in love with this style of training. You use strength training moves to create a metabolic conditioning effect that will build lean muscle, boost your fat burning hormones and reduce your fat storing hormones – in about 20 minutes.

Now Shawna K has a new workout for YOU.

She has an intense DB leg complex you can try today. After two rounds, my legs were on fire. And we still had 3 to go.

You won’t find this exact workout in the manual, because it’s a special one created for you… and me!

In fact, it’s the actual workout Shawna K did in the gym while on the road.

Get Challenge Complex here

The NYC Sexy Legs Complex

Choose a weight that you can do for 10 reps on your weakest exercise in the complex. Use the same weight for ALL exercises and try not to put it down throughout the set. Rest for 60-90 seconds between rounds.

A) Goblet squats x 10
B) Single leg RDL to Reverse Lunge x 10 each side
C) Lateral Lunge x 5 each side
D) Jump Squats x 20 reps (substitute that for total body extension if your knees are bad)

Repeat for 5 rounds

Let me know how it goes for you in the comments box below.

Rock this complex,