Arianna Huffington Sleep

And before you get your knickers in a knot…. this is a G rated blog post ;)

Sleep is like alcohol… you need just the right amount.

Too little, and you feel no different. Too much, and you end up regretting it.

But as Arianna Huffington shared in her recent presentation… most people are chronically tired. And in just a sec, I’ll share with you what she does before bedtime that totally shocked me!

kv arianna huffington

(Yep, that’s KV in fancy dress)

The harsh reality of the 21st Century is that technology is killing our sleep and getting in the way of good ideas…

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at Google.

If you type in the search box:

“Why am I…”

The first autosuggest that comes up is:

- Why am I tired

And the second:

- Why am I always tired

Clearly, it’s not just me who’s tired!

In fact, we take better care of our smart phones than we do ourselves!

Think about it.

We always make sure our phone battery is charged. I’ll bet you five bucks you know what percentage charge your phone is at right now without even having to look.

But what about our health?

The point is:

You need to get at least 8 hours every night. Even minimal sleep loss takes a toll on your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress.

Why is it so important?

Not only does it balance your hormones…it helps you make better decisions.

Arianna shared a story about how she made the most hiring mistakes when she was tired. And I know I’ve done a similar thing when I was exhausted.

How can you improve your sleep?

Excellent question!

Here are 4 tips Arianna shared with us:

#1: Make your bedroom a device-free zone

If you’re like me, you probably sleep with your phone right next to your bed.

However, it’s disrupting your sleep.

Arianna makes a point to banish every single electronic device from her bedroom – at least 30 minutes before lights out. That includes iPhones, tablets, computers.

I’m going to give this a shot. Bye bye phone! It’s a HUGE challenge for me.

Are you going to join me?

#2: Create a sleep ritual

While it’s important to have a morning routine, it’s just as – if not more – important to have a bedtime routine.

Think about it this way…How do you put a child to sleep? You gradually put them down, right? Rock them to sleep in a quiet, darkened room (without cell phones or disruptions).

It’s a whole routine.

So why do we think we can easily just fall sleep without winding down?

Make a ritual for yourself. You could take a bath, playing relaxing music, read a book that has nothing to do with work. Most importantly, shut off all LED screens at least 60 minutes before bed.

#3: Add 15-30 minutes more sleep a night

Think 5-6 hours a night is enough? Think again.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco discovered some people have a gene that allows them to do well on 6 hours of sleep a night. However this gene is extremely rare! (Less than 3% of the population)

For the other 97% of us, 6 hours doesn’t cut it.

So start gradually increasing your sleep time by 15-30 minutes. As you adapt, bump it up again until you’re hitting 8 hours.

#4: Take Naps During the Day

I’m a huge fan of taking a quick nap! It’s refreshing and helps you think clearly.

In fact, at the HuffPost offices, they have a special nap room for their employees!

Pretty cool, right?

If you’re feeling knackered, you’re better off taking a quick 15-20 minute nap instead of reaching for your fifth coffee!

Get your sleep tonight.

Your Coach,


Kate Vidulich

PS. I forgot to mention, exercise helps improve your quality of sleep! And you don’t need to spend hours upon hours at the gym to notice the difference. Here’s 6 FREE bodyweight routines you can try now:

==> 4 minute Bodyweight Workouts you can do in your living room

Make sure you click on over and grab your freebie now before I take down the page :)