Last week, I revisited one of my all time favorite, sadistic leg exercises:

TRX Bulgarian Split Squatimages

About a month had elapsed between dates, seeing as I switch up my training programs every four weeks (make sure you do this too). I was feeling awesome – hey it was Sunday morning and I was rocking out at the gym without a hangover. So for extra fun, I added in 5 hops at the end of each set.

Good times, until I woke up the next day.

My butt and legs were absolutely killing me.

I’m tough. I can handle an unexpected case of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). But the thing is, I was STILL really sore a few days later.

You know the feeling. You wake up, your foot hits the floor and those muscles you never knew existed rudely scream in pain. Good luck bending over and getting down the stairs.

But now what? Should you:

(a) Take a rest day?

(b) Workout as you planned?

(c) Stretch?

(d) Foam roll?

(e) Have a shot of vodka?

(f) All of the above?

Well it really depends.

How to Beat DOMS

Physiologically speaking, there is no magic trick to eliminate DOMS. The pain is usually at it’s worst 24-72 hours post workout, and the level of pain depends on the intensity of your previous workout. The problem is when soreness continually lasts for days.

Serious DOMS and ongoing muscle soreness means you overdid it.

Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world but its just your body’s way of saying, “Whoa back tiger, I wasn’t ready for that one”

Judging the quality of your workout based on the level of soreness the next day is ridiculous. You may have seen macho men bragging “wow that was an awesome workout because I was so damn sore for a week.”

Ah snap. No, you’re a loser.

3 tips to speed up your recovery

Like I said, you just have to give it time. However, there’s a couple of remedies to ease the pain and doing nothing and setting up camp on the couch is a big mistake.


-       Foam rolling

Not only before you workout, but also between your sessions. This will help improve blood flow and circulation to your muscles, and save you a ton of cash getting a professional massage everyday.

-       Epsom salts bath

Take a hot bath with Epsom salts to soothe the pain. I’ve done this a couple of times, physiologically it’s not a miracle fix but it will definitely help you relax. Plus who doesn’t love a bath?

-       Stretching

Always keep moving. Plonking yourself on the couch for a few days, drinking beer and avoiding life is a bad move.

Should you Train with DOMS?

Again, it really depends on the level of pain and tightness. Here’s a quick checklist I use myself and with my clients to assess recovery and how to determine the intensity of the next workout.

1. Foam rolling the tight, sore spots

2. Check hours slept, any pain, tightness, general energy levels and in my head, I give it a rating out of 10. The higher the score, the more intensity the body can handle

3. Dynamic warm up: check movement patterns and ensure nothing is limited

Based on this brief assessment, you can determine how ready your body is for action. Remember, you can always opt for a modified version of your planned workout, depending on your rate of recovery.

If you are insanely sore and tight, this will limit your range of motion, affect your movement patterns and increase the risk of injury.

For example, if your glutes and adductors are limiting your movement, and you try to pick up a heavy weight off the ground, guess which muscle group will take over?

Your lower back.

And sometimes, it’s a wise move to take a rest day. Do some light activity, chill out, grab a coffee and take a walk instead.

Your recovery is just as important as the workout intensity.

It’s during your rest period your body adapts, grows and gets stronger and leaner. If your body is constantly in a state of stress (with high levels of cortisol), there is no chance you can adapt. This means little or NO progress.

So before you think you’re wussing out of your workout, stop for a moment and listen to your body.

Be smart. Assess your movements. Train hard but always stay safe.

Have an awesome day,