Recently, I received a question about how to structure a week of training. As you know, effective program design is the key to getting fat loss results.
Changing up your workouts too often, throwing together any old exercises from a magazine or doing random interval workouts is asking for trouble.
The beauty of Accelerators is you can incorporate these metabolic complexes into what you’re already doing, so you don’t have to start all over again. The program structure depends on the amount of time and days per week you have available to train.
Be flexible with your programming. That’s the key to consistency, and more importantly, getting fast results.
Here’s how you structure Fat Loss Accelerators in your program:
Assume you have 30 – 45 minutes per day (including dynamic warmup and stretching).
5 day workout plan
Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Fat Loss Accelerators A
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Fat Loss Accelerators B
Day 5: Strength C
Day 6: Rest or optional sports day/boring cardio
Day 7: Rest
4 day workout plan
Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Fat Loss Accelerators A
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength A + Fat Loss Accelerators B
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
3 day workout plan
Day 1: Strength A + Fat Loss Accelerators A
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength A + Fat Loss Accelerators B
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest
Accelerators Program
Pick two of your favorite Fat Loss Accelerators, and stick with them for at least two weeks. Ideally, I recommend sticking with the same Accelerators for at least a month, so you can monitor you progress.
On the days you add an Accelerator to your workout, your strength training will be fewer sets than on the days dedicated to only resistance training.
Initially, give yourself additional time to learn the moves and the flow of the circuit.
The exercises in the metabolic complexes are based on traditional resistance training movements. However, you are lifting a lighter weight compared to strength training, and taking no rest between the exercises. The idea is to create a metabolic conditioning effect, similar to that of interval training, which will help you burn more calories in less time, and boost your afterburn.
Choose a weight you can lift overhead for 10-12 reps. Re-assess on a 4-6 week basis and monitor your progress. As you get stronger, you will be able to lift more weight in the Accelerator workouts. That’s where progression comes in.
What about boring cardio?
Do you love it and feel you can’t give it up?
Well, don’t. Hey I love a boring cardio workout, preferably a run. I just don’t recommend this dominate your fat loss workout plan. As long as this workout doesn’t interfere with your recovery from your main workouts and you actually enjoy it, keep on rocking.
Where does this fit in your workout plan?
It’s last on the priority list. If you have extra time, go for it. Usually, it’s the unofficial day 6 workout.
Your #1 Goal
Stay focused on YOUR program.
The most important thing is to get your Accelerators program set, stay focused and follow through for designated length (at least one month), and then change it up.
Need more help with setting up your program? Let me know in the comments box below.
Have an awesome day,