If you ever watched a fight on TV then you have definitely noticed the set of abs that those fighters have. Have you ever wondered how they get so ripped?

I’ll tell you right now, it’s not the stuff they do in the ring. It’s the stuff they do outside of the ring.

Fighters need a strong core to perform the type of movements needed to succeed in their sport. They also need to stay lean and ripped to perform at their best while maintaining a certain weight.

Today I am going to show you a workout that will accelerate fat loss and burn a tremendous amount of calories at the comfort of your own living room in less than 10 minutes. These are specific fighter exercises that I use with my fighters and everyday clients to get a shredded six-pack.

I’m warning you right now, it’s a tough one. But the results you get will be well worth it. Lets get right to it:

The Workout:

  • 1-2 Punch Sprawl – 30 Sec
  • Alternating Push Kicks – 30 Sec
  • Push Ups w/ Alternating Arm Raises – 30 Sec
  • Box Plank – 30 Sec
  • Plank Forward Touches – 30 Sec

Rest 1 min

Repeat for 3 Rounds

Working your core as a whole will engage more muscle groups in your midsection, causing you to target belly fat and sculpt a Rock Solid Midsection.

Luckily for you, I’ve got a unique method to train your whole core without performing a high amount of reps, while teaching you how to BRACE your abs so that you can Target belly fat and finally have the Six-Pack Abs you deserve.

The most effective way of doing this is by Training Like A Fighter

Training Like A Fighter

Think about it… Fighters have to go through the process of getting punched and kicked repeatedly to their midsection.

On top of that, they produce a tremendous amount of power in their strikes and it all comes from the fascinating core strength that fighters posses.

With all that considered, you better believe, fighters train their abs differently than everyone else.

Discover How You Can Get Abs Like a Fighter By Clicking HERE

Rock on,


Kate Vidulich

PS. This unique method of training is PROVEN to melt off stubborn lower belly fat in less than 28 Days and get abs that fitness models wish they had.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

=> Learn How You Can Get Abs Like A Fighter TODAY

About Andrew

AndrewAndrew is a North American Super Middle Weight Muay Thai Champion and a Two Time Provincial Gold Medalist in Boxing. He has been competing in Muay Thai and Boxing for the past 7 years. Andrew is a passionate Fitness & Strength Coach and runs a private practice out of Toronto, Canada. Where he trains high-level fighters for competition as well as transform average bodies into extraordinary results with his unique approach to training.