I have a love / hate relationship with Monday. I’m sure you know what I mean.

Feeling guilty after the weekend? I have the perfect workout solution for you. I find the best way to get in a good mood and shake off the weekend cobwebs is to start with a solid workout. Not just a wussy bunch of exercises thrown together that you might find in the latest fitness magazine. I’m talking about a hard, total body session that blasts fat.

You can do it wherever works best for you – I just did this workout in my NYC apartment. I’m pretty sure the neighbors could see me – but I really don’t care. This workout kicks butt and I’m still sweating to prove it. Listen, you can do it in your living room, backyard, the gym or even your hotel room. The thing is: just do it. Crank up some loud, motivating music and get started.

Don’t worry this won’t take hours. Less than 30 minutes and you’re done.

All you need is a pair of dumbbells and your body (oh and coffee beforehand is also an excellent idea).

Let’s just start now and get you on track for the week. For the timed intervals, use a timer (I highly recommend GymBoss Timer) or use your interval setting on your phone.

fat loss workout

Warm It Up First

Do each of the following in order for 30s each, with no rest between exercises:

- Run in place

- Jumping Jacks

- Push Ups

- BW Squats

- Lateral Lunges

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat once

For the following rounds, choose a weight you can press overhead for 10 reps.

Round 1

Do each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down:

- Lateral Ski Jumps 45s

- DB Squats x 12

- DB Renegade row x 12

- DB Push ups x 12

- High Knees with fast feet 45s (if you have space, try 10m shuttle runs)

Rest for 45s and repeat once.

Round 2

Do each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down:

- Mountain climbers 45s

- DB Single leg RDL x 10 each leg

- DB Front Squat with Push Press x 10

- DB Lateral lunge x 10

- Jump Squats 45s

Rest for 30s and repeat once.

Round 3

Do each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down:

- Burpees 45s

- DB reverse lunges x 8

- DB bent over row x 8

- DB T-push up x 8

- Walk outs 45s

Rest for 15s and repeat once.

You made it! First workout of the week done. Awesome stuff. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog here and be the first to get workouts and tips delivered to your inbox.

Have an awesome week!