Today we have an awesome workout and guest post from the one and only Shawna K!

Enjoy it cool cats!

Take it away…


Sexy 21 minute Summer Workout

Why You Need to Be Selfish
By Shawna Kaminski

I know being ‘selfish’ doesn’t sit right with most people, but let me explain.

I’m Shawna K. and you’ve not doubt seen me on Kate’s blog before here and here. I continue to sing a similar song as Kate about living a healthy and fit lifestyle, but I want to direct this message to women in particular.

Women: You are notorious for being caregivers but you tend to forget to care for yourself. While being a caregiver to others ‘seems’ unselfish, I want to tell you how it makes it more difficult to serve others when you don’t put yourself first.

Trust me when I say I know what I’m talking about here. I wear many hats: I’m a mom, I was a teacher for many years, I’m a business owner, basically I’d say I’m a reformed ‘self-neglect-er’ because I understand the toll it takes on a body when you forget to care for yourself.

Sometimes it’s just necessary to be a little selfish. In the end, you’ll be a better mom, wife, friend, sister, employee, biz owner….You get the picture.

The selfishness I’m talking about here is taking time to take care of a few ‘essentials’ that will ensure health. Surprisingly, taking care of fitness needs (an important aspect of overall health) is easier and less time consuming than you may think.

It’s not necessary to spend hours daily to be fit and lean. There’s no need to invest tons of money in equipment or fancy clothes or gym memberships. Of course, you should know this if you read anything that Kate writes. She can kick your butt with any of her fat loss accelerator or 1000 calorie workouts that uses no or barely any equipment or space.

It really bothers me when women use age or menopause as an excuse. It’s not your fault that you’ve been fed the line that getting older and ‘hormonal changes’ make it impossible to lose weight or get fit.

Don’t believe it.

I know it’s not easy to find time and Mother Nature can play cruel jokes on a woman’s body if you’re not careful. But by being selfish with just a small amount of time and effort, you can make a big difference in your health and physique. Being healthy and energetic will help you care for others more easily.

Take this workout below as an example. You’ll find six exercises that you can do practically anywhere with only the need for one dumb bell. In fact, you could even swap out a bodyweight move (in brackets below) instead of the DB move if you don’t have a dumb bell.

SEXY Six for Summer Workout

Set a timer for 35 seconds of work and 7 seconds to transition or rest.

Here are the exercises:
• DB or KB swing (burpees)
• push up
• goblet squat with the DB or KB (prisoner squat)
• DB bentover row (wall sit stick up)
• mountain climber or jumping jack
• plank recovery

Repeat this circuit up to 5 times. Rest when needed.

Everyone has 20 minutes 3-4 times a week to improve your health, right? I know you’d spend that amount of time on someone else you loved, so why not invest in yourself too? Plain and simple, the cost of NOT doing any exercise is far greater by taking a health toll in the long term.

And then who’d be around to be the ‘caregiver’?

If you’d like 12 follow along workouts that you can train along side me while I coach you through ways to modify or intensify exercises while providing direction and keeping you motivated, I’ve got you covered:

Get the entire follow along workout program here

This program is designed specifically for women over 40 with your life circumstances and hormonal situation in mind. I’m living proof that you can have the body and health you desire since I’m 51 and have many of the same issues as you.

If I can do it, so can you.

Being a little selfish can be interpreted as having a lot of self-love and respect. It’s actually okay to be a little selfish…your loved ones will benefit from your taking the time to take care of YOU so you can then take care of THEM.

Find out how taking just 20 minutes to yourself can improve your health here.

About Shawna K

Shawna Kaminski is a retired schoolteacher of 20 years who’s found her passion in the fitness industry. She’s parlayed her ability to teach and her love of training into programs that you can directly benefit from. Shawna is 51 years old, is a mother of two teenagers and understands how busy life can be. Her workouts are short and intense and often can be done anywhere. She’s always up for a challenge and loves to share her fitness ideas with you. Currently she runs her own fitness boot camps and coaches clients in person and online around the world with her amazing ‘result getting’ programs.