Top 3 Bodyweight Exercises
These could be the strangest bodyweight exercise variations you’ve ever seen…
In this video, I show my friends Shawna Kaminski and Brian Kalakay how to do the following unique exercises:
1. Sprinting walkout
2. One Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) with T-squeeze or curtsy squat
3. Burpee T-rotation
While these moves might seem strange, the variations will help accelerate your results and burn more fat.
Here’s why you should do it:
- It’s total body move, so you use more muscle groups and burn extra calories in less time
- You don’t need ANY equipment
- The movement creates a metabolic flush, meaning the blood moves quickly from your legs to upper body and creates disturbance
- It’s challenging and FUN!
Try it today and let me know how it goes in the comments box below.
Have an awesome day,