I used to hate pull ups. Probably because I was overweight and weak… and I couldn’t do a single rep… ;)

It’s considered the best bodyweight exercise for developing your back, shoulders and lats.

But if you want to avoid the aches and pains, you need to make sure you’re not making this one HUGE mistake.

Yesterday, I spotted a dude on the assisted pull up machine with HORRIBLE form. Even worse, this poor guy had a trainer who just stood by texting on his phone!!!


What is #1 pull up mistake you must avoid?

Staying straight as an arrow.

Many cues out there claim that the body should be held completely straight from head to toe, in order to perform a good pull up.

Not true. This sets you on the wrong path.

So don’t even think about getting on the Assisted Pull Up machine and trying this:


(this will BUST your shoulder)

Pull ups are intended to be a back developer, and you learned yesterday that hitting the back requires the shoulders to be retracted and set to engage the posterior muscles.

So try pulling your shoulders back without mildly arching your back.

It’s not possible, right?

To hit your back properly during pull ups, think of raising the rib cage toward the bar. Arch the back, and lock your shoulders down and back.

You’ll feel the difference immediately.

Here’s a quick summary of the key pull up cues:

  • Lock your shoulders into the socket
  • Keep the rest of the body tight (tighter is lighter)
  • Pull the bar down instead of pulling the body up
  • Expand the chest towards the bar as you pull
  • Lower under control and stop before shoulder comes out of locked position

Do you want to rock the pull up and get a sexy back?

Of course you do!

=> Here’s a step-by-step 28 Day Program 

The way I see it, you have two challenges. You need to get stronger – and lighter. Because hey, then you have less weight to lift.

In fact, when you drop a few pounds doing the Accelerator workouts… you’ll find it easier to get a LOT more reps (even if you thought it was impossible!)

And you’ll sculpt sexy muscle in all the right places.

Alrighty – That’s all, folks!

Your Coach,