As you already know, metabolic training is totally awesome for accelerating fat loss results. There are plenty of interpretations of metabolic training, some of which might I add, are freaking scary.

Yesterday at the gym, I saw yet another ridiculous attempt at “metabolic training” (if you could even call it that). Even worse, this poor guy had a “trainer”, who clearly got his certification from a box of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. Perhaps one with an extra dose of high fructose corn syrup.

Watch this video and find out how to fix this problem and maximize your metabolic workout.

I often see folks make this one huge mistake that will slow down your progress.

The problem is poor exercise selection.

How can you fix it?

See, it’s simple.

Exercise regression.

Keep the movement pattern the same (for example, push up or squat) but make it easier.

People tend to get carried away with exercise progressions (which means making the exercise more difficult), when they already struggle to use correct form with the basic movement.

Instead, what you need to focus on is exercise regression – making the moves easier to actually get a metabolic effect. So when it comes to bodyweight metabolic training, it’s MORE effective to regress the exercise to maximize results.

Smart people (like you) work within their current ability, challenging themselves while using correct form. If this means taking a step back and simplifying the move, so be it. You will WIN the war against belly fat.

The most important thing is correct technique and working at intensity for the given time period.

Simplify the movement if you need to, and keep the intensity high. Quitting before time is up or shortening your range of motion will not burn the fatz. And you’ll look like a silly goose.

You don’t want to look like a silly goose, do you?

Of course not.

Let me know in the comments box below if you need any suggestions for exercise regressions.

Have an awesome day,