If you are currently working out but stuck on a plateau or not getting the results you’re looking for, please watch the video below to ensure you’re not making these 5 common fat loss workout mistakes. Sometimes what seems like a simple switch can make a huge difference!

As a former cardio junkie and spinning addict, I used to waste too much time doing the wrong fat loss workouts.

It wasn’t until I hit a nasty plateau on my body transformation journey and started experimenting with different workout protocols, that I discovered the secrets to accelerating results. Hint: it doesn’t involve cardio or longer workouts.

5 Worst Fat Loss Workout Mistakes

1. Not Enough Complex Movements

Most folks who workout regularly are still struggling to implement this concept. You need to base you workouts and programs on big movement patterns: think squat, push, pull, step, hinge, rotate. Training isolated muscle groups has it’s place, but not in a time efficient fat loss program. Not only proven ineffective for fat loss, it’s a total waste of your time.

2. Fear of Resistance

This one applies particularly to the ladies. Women tend to underestimate their lifting ability, and therefore never reach their full training potential. “I don’t want to get big muscles”. “But I don’t want to get bulky”. I hear this story from every new female client when I hand over the heavy dumbbells. Lifting lightweights does not raise the intensity to create the desirable metabolic effect for burning fat.

3. Too Much Rest

With no control over rest periods, your trip to the gym can become happy hour (just without the beer). A timing device, like the GymBoss Timer is a smart investment that will keep you honest. For fat loss conditioning, aim for 15-45 seconds rest between sets. Yes, it’s intense, challenging and there may be puddles of sweat, but you will get fast results.

4. Poor Planning

Walk into the gym without a plan and you’re wasting time already. Get a plan, so you know exactly what you need to do and stick with it. That way, there is no wandering around the gym deciding what to try next. If you don’t have plan, you’re not going to lose as much fat you probably can. And who has time to waste?

5. Frequent Program Hopping

Trying one program this week, and a different one the next without EVER finishing, is a huge mistake. I know, it’s overwhelming the number of programs available. But they’re not effective and you won’t get the results promised if you never complete any of them. Stop flip-flopping, stay the course and stick with one program from beginning to end.

Have an awesome day,

Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, CTT
Creator of Fat Loss Accelerators