Today I have a guest article for you from my Canadian buddy Cam Makarchuk.
It’s all about the top 4 nutrition secrets for massive fat loss. This article gives you a simple formula for counting calories (if that’s your thing of course), plus he clears the air on carbs, protein, and fats.
Enjoy the article and take it away, Cam!
Before we get into what’s RIGHT we need to bust the myths that you’ve been brainwashed to believe is “healthy”.
It’s not your fault though, I’ve been tricked by these marketing messages disguised as health advice also. You’re definitely not alone in this, but together we can make it through the to the other side with a toned waistline, tight thighs and sexy arms.

“Gluten-free cake is healthy, right?”
Let’s take a look at what a typical “healthy” meal plan would look like if we stayed true to the government recommendations of lots of whole grains, not too much protein (god forbid!) and definitely staying away from the dreaded three letter word: FAT.
Here’s what your day would look like:
Breakfast: 2 pieces whole grain toast with peanut butter, blueberry yogurt
Snack: Apple, Bran Muffin
Lunch: Sandwich (2 pieces whole grain bread, sliced deli chicken breast, cheese, lettuce, tomato), granola bar
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Whole wheat spaghetti, marinara sauce, mixed greens salad
Not too bad, right?
Now, let’s take a look at a day following the Transformation Nutrition Guidelines for massive weight loss:
Breakfast: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Handful Organic Baby Spinach, Protein Shake with Water
Snack: Handful of raw Almonds, Cut up Carrots/Peppers/Broccolli, ½ Grilled Chicken Breast
Lunch: Grilled Salmon on Large Mixed Greens Salad
Snack: ½ Grilled Chicken Breast, ½ Avocado
Dinner: Grass Fed Ground Beef, Stir Fried Vegetables
Notice the difference?
We’ve replaced the “calorie-dense” grains with NUTRIENT-DENSE vegetables. You’re still getting your carbohydrates, but now we’re getting them from sources that actually carry some vitamins and minerals with them. Imagine that
Until you get down a lower body fat percentage grains and starchy carbohydrates are NOT your friends. They may try to tell you they are by disguising themselves as “whole grain” and “fiber rich”, but trust me: They are NOT doing you any good when you’re at a high body fat percentage.
And by high I mean over 25% for females and over 15% for males.
I’m sorry if that’s not what you want to hear, but I don’t make the rules of physiology. I’m not nearly smart enough for that
Once you’re down to a lower body fat percentage then we can start re-introducing those starchy carbohydrates back into your diet… on WORKOUT DAYS. You still have to earn those foods.
And if you want a real big gold star on your nutrition journal you’ll get the starchy carbs from foods like sweet potatoes, yams, beets, white potatoes, quinoa and maybe a little bit of rice every once in awhile.
Watch this video to discover the TRUTH ABOUT CARBS
If you want to lose massive amounts of weight – anything above 20 or 30 pounds – and, here’s the kicker, keep it off, you’ll say bye-bye to processed carbohydrates like pastas, breads, muffins, bagels and the like. Except of course on your 10% Days. Anything goes on those days (within reason of course…). More on that later.
So as you can see from the sample Transformation Nutrition meal plan above we’re basing your meals around 3 things:
1. High Quality, Lean Protein
2. Lots Of Vegetables, Preferably Green & Leafy
3. Healthy Fats
If we can base our meals around those food choices, nutrition becomes very simple and the calories and nutrient ratios just kind of fall into place.
But for those of wanting some cold, hard numbers…
When I first see a new client and we start talking about how many calories to lose weight there’s a rule of thumb I go by:
Take Your Bodyweight & Multiply By 10
For example:
A 250 pound person would go 250 x 10 = 2500 Calories per day.
Now, that might seem like a lot, but when we are getting those calories from nutrient dense sources like lean proteins, healthy fats and lots of vegetables we’re still OK. Starvation is NOT the goal. Write that down and repeat after me: Starvation Is Not The Goal.
Too often I see clients nutrition journals and they aren’t eating nearly enough, especially with the hard metabolic and strength workouts we’re doing together. When you’re training hard you need to replenish the body with some good, high quality nutrients to build that lean muscle and increase your metabolism.
That’s the key to long lasting, life changing weight loss. Getting stronger, building lean muscle and increasing your metabolism. Then you don’t have to worry about cutting calories and weighing your food because you’ve built your body into a fat burning machine!
This is a very common question and when I give people my answer it’s usually preceded by:
“Now this is going to sound like a lot…but just trust me on this.”
So for protein we take another very simple rule of thumb:
1 gram of Protein per Pound Of Bodyweight
So for our 250 pound example person above, they would be shooting for 250 grams of protein per day. Yes, 250 grams PER DAY.
OK, no pick your jaw up off the floor and stay with me here.
We’re basing our meals around good, high quality lean protein sources here. Things like grass fed beef, wild caught fish, turkey, chicken and eggs. Lot’s of great, healthy protein sources.
And the truth is, if you can get up to that much protein, you definitely will NOT be eating any other garbage that’s for sure.
Protein and fats give you the most satiety of the macronutrients which means they leave you feeling full for longer than carbohydrates do.
Proteins are also the building blocks of muscle tissue so having a good whack of protein in your diet when you’re training hard is crucial for building strong, lean muscles.
Good news, you don’t have to be afraid of fat anymore. YAY!
The truth is, fats are essential for healthy living. Hence the term “ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID”.
*Quick Side Note* I’ve always found it funny that we have “essential amino acids” A.K.A. proteins, and we have “essential fatty acids” A.K.A. fats, but there is NO SUCH THING AS an “essential carbohydrate”. What does that tell you?
Alright, back on track…
So like I mentioned before, one of the three things we focus our meals around are healthy fats. The other two being lean proteins and vegetables.
Now, we don’t necessarily need to have healthy fats with EVERY meal (like we do with proteins and vegetables, but we should have healthy fats at MOST meals.
And these fats should come from good sources:
1. Wild Caught Fish
2. Grass Fed Beef
3. Krill Oil Supplements
4. Coconut Oil
5. Grass Fed Butter (sometimes)
6. Olive Oil
7. Raw, Unsalted Nuts
8. Seeds
9. Avocado
Throw some of those things into a few of your meals and you’re good to go.
Alright, really quick, we’ll talk about the 10% rule.
I always tell my clients that if you can stick to the Bodyshaping Nutrition Guidelines (the 3 in this article and then the 7 others we haven’t talked about yet) and really dial it in for 90% of the time, you can allow a 10% variance for cheating.
Now, the key is that you HAVE to be DIALED IN for that 90% in order to earn your 10% cheat days otherwise it doesn’t work.
The best thing to do is to schedule your 10% meals/days so you have that to look forward to during the week. So if you have a party of special dinner that you know is going to be hard to follow the guidelines at, schedule it in and look forward to it. That way you can go to your dinner and actually enjoy it.
But when you wake up in the morning, it’s back on track as if that night never even happened. Got it? Good!
So to wrap up this nutrition article just remember:
1. Lean Protein, Healthy Fats, Vegetables
2. 1 gram Protein Per Pound Of Bodyweight
3. Don’t Be Afraid Of Fat
4. Follow The Rules 90% Of The Time & Schedule Your 10% Meals
If you want to truly take your goal of massive weight loss to the next level, check out the inspirational story on this page of one of my clients who lost over 103 pounds and totally transformed her entire life:
Discover how one woman lost over 103 pounds and totally transformed her life here
Dedicated to your success,
Cameron Makarchuk
Master Transformation Coach
Creator, Extreme Fat Loss Blueprint
About The Author
Cameron Makarchuk is a fat loss expert and master transformation coach, best selling author and founder of BOOM BodyShaping Studio in Winnipeg, Manitoba where he and his team are “changing people’s lives, one pound at a time.” He has worked with thousands of clients throughout his career and has helped them change their lives through sound nutrition, mindset techniques and scientifically proven training strategies.
Acclaimed as “the most comprehensive fat loss solution in Winnipeg”, BOOM BodyShaping Studio is just that, having all the bases covered and giving their driven, dedicated clients all the tools and coaching they need to lose 50-100 pounds and more.
On a mission of helping 100,000 people change their bodies and transform their lives, Cameron has put his entire system together into an easy to follow video based coaching program called “Extreme Fat Loss Blueprint – The Fat Loss System That Works When Nothing Else Has” that is now available for anyone, anywhere, extending his reach to helping people all around the world.
Start your transformation here at Extreme Fat Loss Blueprint