You may have seen people at the gym rolling around on a strange cylindrical device…

foam roll

That’s a foam roller. Not a drain pipe… ;)

But what does foam rolling actually do?

It’s a type of self-massage (the fancy term is self-myofascial release) that helps to lengthen and smooth out the muscle. It can also help to get rid of knots and adhesions in your muscles and connective tissue that can cause you pain.

These adhesions can cause a point of weakness and susceptibility in your muscles, so if your muscles aren’t contracting uniformly from end-to-end, it can cause injury and pain.

Basically, if your muscles are not taken care of properly, you can experience loss of flexibility, adhesions and painful movement.

By applying pressure to specific points on your body, you are able to aid in the recovery of the muscles and assist in returning them to normal function.

And that’s why I recommend foam rolling for 5-10 minutes on a regular basis before your workout.

Today I have three videos that give you the lowdown on how to foam roll for the best results.

How To Foam Roll Your Lower Body


3 Sneaky Tricks for Better Foam Rolling


#1 Foam Roller Exercise

Warning: The first time you do foam rolling, it can be very painful on tight muscles. You are essentially working out the knots and this process can be uncomfortable at times. Please go very slowly, and if you feel any numbness or tingling pain, stop immediately.

But the cool thing about foam rolling is that you have the ability to control the healing and recovery process by applying pressure in precise locations, because you can feel exactly what is happening.

So stick with it. I promise you it will become less painful if you do it on a regular basis.

Which muscle group felt the tightest in your lower body? Let me know if the comments box below the post!

Enjoy the videos!