Are you pumped up today for this awesome, fat burning cardio workout?

Of course you are!

I have a strange NO-Equipment cardio workout you can try in just a sec.

This quick and fun workout is the perfect replacement for long, boring cardio. And let’s be honest, who really has time for that?

So here’s the million dollar question…

Are you ready to take up this workout challenge and blast stubborn belly fat right now?

Let’s press play and burn some fat!

Weird no-equipment cardio workout

Here’s the breakdown of the no-equipment cardio workout:

A) Sprinting Walkout x 5 reps
B) Run-In-Place x 20 seconds

- Rest 15-20s
- Repeat 5 rounds

Fun times, right?!

Here’s the best part…

You can supercharge your metabolism and burn fat 24/7 by doing the right type of high intensity interval training.

If you want to lose belly fat and get lean FAST doing high intensity interval training with ZERO equipment, check out these 6 FREE routines:

==> Grab Your 6 FREE No Equipment HIIT Workouts

Here’s to you burning more fat in half the workout time!

Your Coach,


Kate Vidulich