Pick up any muscle-building magazine, and you’ll see advice saying you should train to failure for faster results.

Training to failure simply means lifting the weight for as many reps as physically possible. Just keep going until your muscles give out.

But here’s the deal…

You don’t need to train to failure for faster muscle building!

That’s just another myth.

“Why KV… Why?!”

Two reasons.

1) You Can Hit 100% Muscle Activation Without Failure

Yes, research shows you can recruit all of your muscle fibers (when your nervous system hits 100% muscle activation) – without going to failure.

Here’s a quick rundown of the study…

Two groups of young men did a leg press workout in random order, under two conditions.

In one workout, the subjects did 5 sets of 80% 1RM to failure, with 3 minutes rest between sets. In the other workout, they did 5 sets of 80% 1RM to failure with only 1 minute of rest.

(By the way, 1RM is the maximum weight you can lift for one repetition)

The result? Subjects did fewer reps in sets 3, 4, and 5 when they had only 1 minute of rest. And that’s no surprise.

But here’s the cool thing…

Researchers found once they hit 90% of failure (eg. on rep 9 of 10), they were already recruiting 100% of their total muscle activation (as determined from the 1RM test).

This proves you can activate all your muscle fibers without training to failure.

Another cool discovery was that you can do a LOT of reps at 80% of your 1RM for lower body exercises… some subjects hit 20 reps in the first set, even lifting a “heavy” resistance. Definitely proof of mind over matter.

This is because your lower body muscles are more fatigue-resistant than your upper body.

2) It’s NOT Safe


I knew a guy at school who loved doing heavy bench press… ALONE… no spotter. And one day…

He dropped the weight smack bang on his front teeth.

It was absolutely HORRIBLE.

Lucky he didn’t get killed!

And that, my friends, is why you should NOT train to failure. Especially on exercises like bench presses, barbell squats, and dumbbell presses.

I don’t wanna see you get hurt.

And you can safely get FULL muscle activation without the RISK of training to failure (and losing form or dropping the weight).

So what’s one of the best ways to get stronger without wasting time or risking your life?

==> Start with Bodyweight Only Exercise here

You can lose belly fat and sculpt lean, sexy muscle in as little as 4 minutes.

And the best part? You don’t need any equipment so you can do this workout ANYWHERE.

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Your Coach,

Kate Vidulich