Can you build muscle and strength with bodyweight only exercises?

Today, I have a video for you from my body weight training expert friend (and former pro football player)  Forest Vance.

Take it away Forest!



9 minute Bodyweight Strength workout

Body Weight ONLY Superset for Upper Body Muscle!
by Forest Vance, author, Body Weight Strong

Body weight training that you may have done in the past was probably conditioning focused – which is fantastic for fat loss, and I’m all for it. However, in today’s sequence, we’re going to focus on gaining muscle with only our body weight.

=> Get the Body Weight Strong system here

We’re going to do two different exercises: push up and an inverted row with only body weight resistance. It’s critical that you pick a variation of these exercises that is appropriate and challenging to you and your fitness level. You can do standard push ups or hand elevated push ups which would be a little easier. For a harder version, you can do feet elevated push ups. Choose a version that you can do with perfect form and that will challenge you by the end of the workout.

Get a timer. You’ll be doing 60 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. With the push ups, you’ll be lowering yourself down for 3 seconds, and pushing back up for 3 seconds. You’ll be doing 10 reps total, so it’ll take 60 seconds. No pause at the bottom and no pause at the top. Your chest, shoulders, and triceps should be burning after just one set. You’ll be doing 3 sets.

After your 30 seconds of rest, get set up for your inverted row. You can use a bar on a smith machine or suspension trainer. Make sure your incline level is going to challenge you. On this one you’re going to go two seconds up, hold for two seconds at the top, and two seconds down. So it’s six seconds per rep, 60 seconds total. Rest for 30 seconds.

Do 3 sets total of each exercise. Make sure you stick to that tempo prescription throughout the entire workout.

If you don’t think this workout sounds tough, give it a try and let me know how it goes. You should be totally pumped up; your arms and upper body will definitely feel it and you’ll be a believer in body weight only exercises.

To learn more body weight workouts and progressions be sure to check out my full Body Weight Strong program.

=> Get the Body Weight Strong system here

Thanks, and train hard,

Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Certified Personal Trainer