In just a moment, you’ll get a taste of a brand NEW workout I’ve been testing at my bootcamp. My legs and butt were still hurting two days after this chaos…

But first…

You already know that following a structured program is essential to getting fast results and avoiding workout plateaus.

Even in bootcamps.

And that’s why I dedicate time every week to creating fun, challenging workouts to help our clients get the best results.


We don’t do random “workout of the day” or just throw together a bunch of exercises at the last minute…

It’s not ALL burpees, either.

Last week I started running a new “experiment”, and I’ve been overwhelmed by the awesome feedback from my bootcampers.

You’re going to love this one too.


Always start with a quick warm up. Do 2 rounds, with no rest between the exercises:

  • Glute Bridge x 30s
  • Push ups x 30s
  • Squat with a T-squeeze x 30s
  • Jumping Jacks x 30s

13 min Energy Boosting Workout

Perform each of the following exercises in order, for as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes. Remember good form is very important. If your form gets messy, please stop and take a break.

Station 1: 4 mins AMRAP

A: TRX Inverted row x 10 reps (sub for DB row)

B: DB Goblet squat x 10 reps

- 20-30s rest

Station 2: 4 mins AMRAP

A: Bulgarian split squat (3s hold at bottom) x 10 reps each leg

B: Plank with alternating leg raise x 10 each side

- 20-30s rest

Station 3: 4 mins AMRAP

A: DB reverse lunge with curl x 10 reps each leg

B: Push up to mountain climber x 10

But wait… it’s not game over just yet cool cats.

We finished up with an “evil” Accelerator that I’ll share with you tomorrow… Can you handle the suspense? ;)

Until then, you can plug in any metabolism boosting Accelerator from here.

Get over 100 Accelerator workouts here

Stay tuned!