Fat Loss Accelerators | Break Any Stubborn Plateau

Why I Don’t Do Intermittent Fasting Why I Don’t Do Intermittent Fasting

Why I Don’t Do Intermittent Fasting

One of the biggest diet trends STILL going on now is Intermittent Fasting.If you don’t know what it is, Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. And no, skipping meals does not slow down your metabolism (that's just another myth)...So hereâ ...
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Why I Failed at Intermittent Fasting Why I Failed at Intermittent Fasting

Why I Failed at Intermittent Fasting

Categories: Fat Loss Nutrition
Up until this point, I dead set thought it was a trick. Another fad diet.About three years ago, I was sitting in a lecture at a fitness seminar in Providence, Rhode Island and the words kept spinning in my head.Everything I learned about fat loss nutrition had just been completely thrown out the win ...
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