unbreakable badass blueprintSo you’ve probably heard about Crossfit, unless you live on Mars.

When I was back in Australia at Christmas time, I caught ESPN replaying coverage of the Crossfit games. We were glued to the TV, watching these athletes compete. Man, talk about incredibly ripped bodies.

Whether you know about it, have tried it out, or heck, you belong to a Crossfit Gym now. Love it or hate it it’s here to stay.

I wouldn’t call it a trend anymore because it’s been proven to be effective.

At the same time, it’s proven to be a bit bad as well…

There’s been a lot of good and bad things said about Crossfit to which can be argued for on both ends until I turn blue in the face, but the good news is, I’m NOT here to argue or take sides on this matter.

Instead, I’m just here to let you know about a NEW system that takes all the GOOD of Crossfit and makes it even better while eliminating the BAD.

What is it?

Well, it’s called The UNBREAKABLE BADASS Blueprint and the name says it all.

My mate Travis Stoetzel is the mastermind behind this insane blueprint, and was telling me all about it at Fitness Business Summit last weekend. This guy is a seriously passionate strength coach and high level unaffiliated Crossfit competitor, and has just released a new program that he’s claiming it to be “like Crossfit, but only BETTER”.

Travis defines his “Controlled Chaos” method as being the perfect blend of focused strength work, power training, and intense conditioning all mixed together into the near perfect progressive-based training program.

>>> Find out more info on this new “Badass” system

As I mentioned, there’s a lot of good and bad things that surround Crossfit like…

…too many randomized “WOD’s” with no programming, or the fact that most Crossfit programs lack any sense of progression based training that it causes a ton of injuries, but again I’m not here to argue on anything…

I’m just again letting you know that there’s a new, proven-effective system out that will in fact, turn you into a “complete badass”.

Now, with that being said, Travis has sent me a FULL workout taken from his newly released program, The UNBREAKABLE BADASS Blueprint.

I have it for you below…

Taken From Day 3 of Alpha Phase, Week 2

1A) DB 1 Arm Power Snatch 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (each arm)

***the key is to get heavier on each set

***start from the ground on each rep and alternate arms each rep

2A) Standing Barbell Military Press (STRICT) 1 x 8, 4 x 5 – HEAVIEST possible – ***go for low to NO missed reps – your focus is on QUALTY

3A) Barbell OH Squat 4 x 8

3B) Hanging Hollows / Hanging L-Sit Holds 4 x max time

4A) Complete the Following:

a) Max Reps w/ Barbell Push Press @ 70% of what you did for 2A) x 1 min

b) 50 Burpees for time ;)

***While doing burpees, at every min on the min, do 3 pull ups

***As soon as you hit 50 Burpees, NO rest – your 60 secs starts for c)

c) Max Reps w/ Barbell Push Press (same weight) x 1 min

***Your score is the amount of push presses you do, the weight used, and how long it took you to do the burpees

That last section of the workout is NO joke!

Overall, the design of this workout goes right along with Travis’ special “Controlled Chaos” method that’ll not only get you burning tons of fat and building lean muscle, but will also help get you strong, powerful, and insanely conditioned.

So, go ahead and hit that workout and let me know how you do…

If you didn’t yet know, you can get Travis’ FULL Program (plus 2 newly added BONUSES) on sale NOW for less the $30!

The UNBREAKABLE BADASS Blueprint <–Sales Ends at Midnight

Time is running out on that deal so take action today!


PS – Imagine taking all of the good Crossfit has to offer such as gains in lean muscle, strength, power, and insane amount of conditioning all while eliminating the bad (fear of injury, lack of programming and progression) PLUS adding more then having all of that within in one system?

>>>  FINAL DAY SALE (Unbreakable Badass Blueprint + BONUSES)


You’ll be getting 12 FULL weeks of progressive “BADASS” building workouts.

Plus, Travis threw in a whole slew of BONUSES, but like I said this sale ends tonight at midnight.