Fat Loss Accelerators | Break Any Stubborn Plateau

Accelerator 500 (bodyweight only challenge) Accelerator 500 (bodyweight only challenge)

Accelerator 500 (bodyweight only challenge)

I did something really stupid in Vegas. More on that in just a minute…Have you ever walked into a gym that’s been so jam packed, you simply turned around and left?Yeah, it’s not cool…Last week, I was hanging out in Las Vegas with the lovely Shawna K and we attempted to workout together at th ...
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15 minutes to tighter body 15 minutes to tighter body

15 minutes to tighter body

If you have ZERO equipment, how can you make your workout MORE challenging so that you burn more calories and rev your metabolism?Good question…In just a minute, I’ll share with you an old school training technique I’ve been experimenting with that can make your workouts more ...
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3 better alternatives to burpees 3 better alternatives to burpees

3 better alternatives to burpees

One of the most frequently asked questions that comes across my desk is people asking what exercise can replace the burpee......After all, not everyone is in love with burpees – right mum? ;)Or maybe you’re just like Wayne, a cool cat who sent in this question…“I have arthritic hips ...
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Burpee Workout to Dominate Burpee Workout to Dominate

Burpee Workout to Dominate

You can try this quick bodyweight workout video right now, even if you're sitting on your couch at home. All you need is your sexy self...You can simply add this to your program to replace your regular interval or cardio workout.Ready? Press play and let's go!Do the following circuit in order resti ...
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5-move 5-minute circuit that blasts fat fast 5-move 5-minute circuit that blasts fat fast

5-move 5-minute circuit that blasts fat fast

Categories: Accelerators
You only need 5 minutes to torch some serious calories – really!! With this dumbbell and bodyweight circuit, you can hit all the major muscle groups in limited time.Ready to rock? Here we go…Do 45-50s of each exercise, followed by a 10-15s transition. If you’re new or just getting back into ex ...
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1000 Calorie Workout 1000 Calorie Workout

1000 Calorie Workout

Are you ready to blast 1000 calories?Of course you are... ;)In this video, I have a taste of a 10 minute circuit from the Elite Level 1000 Calorie Accelerators System you can try today. It's for advanced people who are looking to boost their calorie burnHere we go...Circuit 4: Read more →
Best Warm Up Exercises (just 5 minutes) Best Warm Up Exercises (just 5 minutes)

Best Warm Up Exercises (just 5 minutes)

Here's the best warm up exercises you can do at home today! It will take 5 minutes, and it's bodyweight only.BOOM!In this video, you'll discover the best warm up exercise to help you warm and get fast fat loss results. Forget the treadmill. You can do a more effective warm up right now.Let's rock an ...
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4 Workout Mistakes That STOP Your Fat Loss 4 Workout Mistakes That STOP Your Fat Loss

4 Workout Mistakes That STOP Your Fat Loss

Over the years, I've been in the gym enough to see a lot of “fresh faces” that have just started a brand new workout regime.These are the people who come in with good intentions on day one, only to fall off the wagon and never be seen again.I've noticed a few things in particular that every one ...
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