If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know I’m not a huge fan of using the weight scales to measure your body.


Because there are so many variables that can affect it.

Let me tell you a classic story about one of my clients Nadia, and how the scales could ruin EVERYTHING on your transformation journey, if you’re not careful…

It was 5:56am on Monday morning in NYC. Fresh snow was falling… Again.

My bootcamp champions were excited to see their results, after the first intense week of working out with me… doing high intensity workouts and cleaning up their diet.

Nadia stepped on the scales. And… 

It showed she GAINED 2 pounds last week.



I could see the shock and disappointment in her eyes.

And I knew she couldn’t possibly gain 2 pounds of muscle in a week…

Have you ever felt extremely frustrated just like this?

And not to mention totally discouraged?

In this case, it’s all thanks to….


does salt have calories

Salt does not make you gain or lose body fat.

Does Salt Have Calories?


In fact, it contains no calories.

So what’s the big deal?

You see, when you eat salty or processed foods with hidden salt like fast foods, frozen foods, canned foods, and condiments, it can have a major impact on your weight on the scales.

And it can cause temporary weight gain since it causes you to retain water.

Yes. You feel bloated and puffy. #NotSexy

And this is interesting… most crash diets that boast quick weight loss rely on foods that contain little or no salt. So you guessed it. The weight loss is mostly water, so once you start eating foods that contain salt again, you will regain the weight.

Back to Nadia, here are the crucial mistakes that led to her temporary weight gain:

- Eating a high salt, high carb cheat meal on Sunday night before the weigh in.

- Drinking a few glasses of vino with dinner.

- Plus not drinking ANY water at all. Like zilch.

How can you AVOID a similar “weight loss” disappointment?

Try these 3 strategies to track your progress instead of relying on that number on the scale.

1. Track Your Body Composition

Start by getting a baseline of your body fat level (as a percentage) and then take the following body measurements.

Waist Circumference (at navel):

Mid-Upper Arm Circumference:

Mid-Thigh Circumference:

Hip Circumference (Widest point between legs & navel):

These are essential to know because while your weight might not move, all that matters is that your body fat goes down.

REMEMBER: No one else but YOU knows your scale weight, so do NOT get obsessed with what you weigh.

Instead, focus on how your clothes fit and how your body measurements change on a week-to-week basis.

Seeing the inches drop will keep you motivated and frustration-free. Like I said, your weight can fluctuate depending on salt and water intake. And of course, if you’re a chick like me, then your weight can be on a roller coaster ride because of your hormonal cycle.

So again, don’t get obsessed with body weight on the scales… Focus on these measurements instead, and this next tip…

2. Take BEFORE Photos

As much as you’ll hate taking a photo of yourself in your swimwear on Day One… it might be the most important thing you do on your fat loss journey.

After all, the most common element of all fat loss success stories is having that BEFORE photo.

It encourages and motivates you to continue sticking with your program and making the right choices.

Your workout and nutrition may differ, but the BEFORE photo is always there to remind you of how far you’ve come.

Take your photo now – it is really, really important, and you’ll thank me later when you compare the NEW you to that old photo! Like my client Rachel here…

how rachel lost over 50lbs

3. Measure Your Performance

While you’re doing your baseline body composition, you need to measure your fitness and muscular endurance.

There’s no need to get all fancy and high tech. You can simply do this quick assessment every 4-6 weeks.

Squats (max number in a minute):

Push Ups (max number to failure):

One-mile time trial (bike, run, walk):

Choose your exercise modification if necessary, and make sure you use the same form for each assessment. For example, if you do modified push ups on day one, make sure you do modified push ups on day 28.

Remember, you’re not competing against anyone but yourself. So make sure you record these numbers and push yourself to improve.

Alright, now you have 3 powerful tips to help you beat the “weight blues”, plus my simple advice to Nadia was:

- Drink 3 Liters of water

- Eat greens and lean protein at each meal

- Avoid salt and sugar

And this story has a happy ending…

She dropped 4 pounds overnight!

Woohoo! High fives all round.

Keep on pushing.

More powerful fat loss tips coming tomorrow.

If you want to flatten your stomach with simple, step-by-step ab routines to replace boring, painful crunches you won’t find anywhere else, check this out:

==> Grab 7 FREE Tough Ab Workouts here

Rock on!


Kate Vidulich
Exercise Physiologist