The title may be a bit crude… but we’re going to chat about getting abs today.

Lots of people are frustrated by it.

And yet, it’s actually pretty simple.


In fact, what I’m going to do is apply the world famous “KISS” principle (that is, keep it simple, stupid) to this subject and try to take some of the “sting” out of it.

And I’m going to use a frustrating experience as an example.

Sound good?

Ok then, here’s the scoop:

Lately I’ve been spending a LOT of time learning to play the guitar. Mostly because I’ve always had a dream to jam on stage with real rockstars. And also because I’ve been enjoying it.

But for some reason, I had a really sucky time while I was practicing last week.

No matter what I did, I couldn’t hit the right notes and I was extremely frustrated.

In fact, I got SO frustrated, I chucked a wobbly and busted one of the strings.


That’s when a light bulb went off in my head.

I remember my instructor telling me….

“Be patient. You need to learn the feel of these basic notes so you could play with your eyes closed.”

In other words, you need relax and spend more time learning the basic skills the right way… than slipping into bad habits from the get go.

So I took a deep breath, mentally walked through the chords I was trying to play, and BOOM… I hit the notes.

And you know what?

Getting abs is the exact same way.

Be patient, keep it simple as possible, and it’s MUCH easier.

And that’s what I want to do now… Strip the process of getting abs down to the most simple formula that works like crazy!

And here it is…. (insert drum roll!)

1. Get your nutrition on point (90% of the time)
2. Quality sleep (7-8 hours)
3. Total body strength training + targeted ab moves (20-30 minutes, 3-4 times/week)
4. High intensity intervals/metabolic training (10-20 minutes, 3-4 times/week)

That’s it?


It doesn’t have to be anymore complicated than that.

Nothing fancy. No bells and whistles. Nothing complicated. Yet it works like gangbusters.

It just doesn’t get anymore simple than that, does it?

Peace out,


Kate Vidulich

PS. If you want to flatten your abs and skyrocket your metabolism, check this out:

==> Grab 7 FREE Tough Ab Workouts here