Fat Loss Accelerators | Break Any Stubborn Plateau

Why Bob Harper is Wrong! Why Bob Harper is Wrong!

Why Bob Harper is Wrong!

Categories: Nutrition tips, Rants
Dead wrong!I know I’m trampling on “sacred ground” here, but I think you’ll agree with me once you hear why I say this. (Incidentally, I’m still a big fan of Bob Harper… but nobody is perfect and he is simply wrong.)Here’s the scoop…The other day I was browsing in th ...
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Myth: The Fat Burning Zone? Myth: The Fat Burning Zone?

Myth: The Fat Burning Zone?

Categories: Fat Loss Workouts
When I was a little Aussie, growing up in a deserted land far, far away where hurricanes don’t exist, there was a very popular training style for fat loss. For as long I could remember, this was considered the best training method to lose stubborn fat.Exercising in the “fat burning zone ...
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Treat or Trick? One Food To Avoid Treat or Trick? One Food To Avoid

Treat or Trick? One Food To Avoid

Categories: Fat Loss Foods
Last weekend I was hanging out at a fitness conference in Denver when I stumbled upon a bizarre sight.First of all, I’ve been there before so I knew the deal with it being way less busy than New York. People walking down the street on weekends in basically non-existent.Anyway, around lunchtime Sat ...
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The Skinny Fat Phenomenon The Skinny Fat Phenomenon

The Skinny Fat Phenomenon

Categories: General
The post today contains a serious health warning. Fat loss for women is more than just dieting.Last week I was sprinting down Madison Avenue in the Upper East Side - literally running late to my next client. I hate being late. So I sprint. Sure, it’s also a weird way to do interval training during ...
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Insane Workout (Crazy People Only) Insane Workout (Crazy People Only)

Insane Workout (Crazy People Only)

Categories: Fat Loss Workouts
Are you tough enough to get fast fat loss results?A few days ago, I woke up planning to do this awesome and completely insane fat loss workout (you'll find it below).However, Monday morning as my foot hit the floor, my plans completely changed. The previous day was a rough one, training wise. The NY ...
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